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A Sneak Peek at the New California Grill

Written By Scott Joseph On September 5, 2013

caligrill dining room

The California Grill opens to the public on Monday, Sept. 9, but I got a sneak peek at the place recently. Here are a few images of the completely remodeled restaurant atop the Contemporary Resort at Walt Disney World.

caligrill piaseckiChef Brian Piasecki, center, goes over some of the new kitchen equipment with the cooks.

caligrill sushi barThe sushi bar overlooking the show kitchen has been expanded and is available for group omikase dining.

caligrill napkinEven the napkins are new.

caligrill yellowsYellow is a dominant color in the new decor.

caligrill community tablesThere are two new communal dining tables where walk-in guests may sit. Ironically, they have one of the best views of the Magic Kingdom.

caligrill wine coolerA wall of wine coolers greets guests as the exit the elevator on the 15th floor.

caligrill woodwallA wood wall sculpture decorates one area of the restaurant.

caligrill pana

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