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Best Steakhouse 2019

Written By Scott Joseph On January 18, 2019

Steak NY 1 copy

The steakhouses listed in the poll below have advanced from the nominating phase and are the finalists in our 2019 Foodster Awards for Independent Restaurants — Best Steakhouse category.

Please vote for your favorite steakhouse by clicking the circle next to its name and then the VOTE button at the bottom of the poll.

Note: Even if you voted in the nominating phase, you must vote again for a finalist — no votes were carried over from the preliminary poll.

After you place your vote, leave a comment explaining why you voted the way you did. Be sure to mention the name of the restaurant in your comment or we won’t know which steakhouse you’re referring to. We may use your comment when we announce the winners.

Voting will continue through Feb. 6 and the winners will be announced on Feb. 7.

{advpoll id=’40’ view_result=’0′ width=’0′ position=’center’}

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