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Bad As’s Sandwich Wins Foodster Award

Written By Scott Joseph On August 2, 2018

Bad ass Sand

Badd Ass logoBad As’s Sandwich, the Milk District sandwicherie, is the winner of the Best Sandwich Foodster Award for Independent Restaurants. Beefy King, which just celebrated its 50th anniversary, took second place and Yellow Dog Eats came in third.

“Bad As’s has very creative sandwiches that you won’t find anywhere else,” said a comment left under the name Allison Benner Andrews Chancey on the Foodsters page. “It’s a tiny restaurant, but what it lacks in tables it makes up for in taste.”

James McLane wrote, “It’s all about Bad As’s! Inventiveness, creativity, perfection between bread.”

Tiffany Wilkes was just as adamant in her vote for Beefy King. “Their classic and simple roast beef sandwich, spuds (tater tots), and signature sauces are worth driving out of your way for,” she wrote in her comment. “Seriously, we drove 162 miles from Palm Beach County to Orlando last month just to celebrate Beefy King’s 50th anniversary. It is that good!”

Terry Hladky Smith agreed: “Beefy King…Lots of delicious choices & the service is down home friendly.”

Sandwich was one of the most hotly contested Foodster categories to date. Nice to see so many people passionate for their favorite sandwichmakers.

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