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Nominees for 2022 Best Tacos Foodster Award for Independent Restaurants

Written By Scott Joseph On September 7, 2022

Taco generic

The next category in our Foodster Awards for Independent Restaurants is Best Tacos.

Below are the preliminary nominees. You may vote for up to three candidates. Those getting the most votes will advance to the finals.

You may also write in a candidate. But remember, Foodster Awards are only for Independent Restaurants, defined as those with three or fewer locations. (Sorry, Tin & Taco, you’ve graduated.) Chains are not eligible and any write-ins that do not qualify will be deleted.

Also, do not write in the name of a restaurant that already appears on the list. Duplicates will be deleted along with any additional votes they’ve received.

Nominations will be accepted through Friday, Sept. 12. Finalists will be announced Sept 15.

After voting, leave a comment telling us which restaurant you voted for and why. We may use your comments when the winners are announced.

Here are the nominees for Best Outdoor Dining 2022:

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