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Beaujolais Nouveau est arrive (almost)

Written By Scott Joseph On November 18, 2009

At 12:01 November 19, just a few hours from now, the 2009 Beaujolais Nouveau will be ready for sipping. As you may know, the date is set by French law as the third Thursday in November for the official release of the current vintage. Over the years that restriction has become a marketer’s dream, creating a mystique for a product that few had a mystique for until they were told they couldn’t have it until a specific time and date.

Whatever. I’m not one to pooh-pooh an excuse to have a party. And the folks at Funky Monkey have one planned for tomorrow at the Pointe Orlando restaurant. And this one could get really funky.

It’s Naked Sushi night, and apparently involves eating raw fish rolls off of a bare body. No, you are not permitted to remove your clothes. But who knows, after a few bottles of the new wine anything could happen.

The global release party is from 7 to 11 p.m., with the “featured exhibit” — that would be the nude nigiri — from 8 to 10 p.m. Fee is $29. Reservations are at 407-418-9463 or online at OpenTable.

funky monkey beaujolais nouveau

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