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Tickets on Sale for WineQuest

Written By Scott Joseph On March 22, 2011

Tickets are now on sale for the 15th annual WineQuest, which will be held June 10-12 at Grande Lakes Orlando. The wine event, which benefits Quest, In., an organization that assists the disabled, will feature a Grand Tasting and Auction on Friday, a Saturday night farm-to-table dinner with wine pairings, and a Sunday brunch at in the garden at Primo.

This is one of the better wine events in the area, and the grand tasting last year had several noteworthy wines.

Advance ticket prices are $75 for the grand tasting, $155 for the five-course dinner and $55 for Sunday brunch. Ticket prices go up after May 9. Visit winequest.org to see the  complete schedule and to purchase tickets. Or call 407-218-4300.


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