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Scott’s Kitchen: Blue Rebel cocktail from Soco Thornton Park

Written By Scott Joseph On March 29, 2021

Soco zoom still

Like a lot of people, I make my cocktails in my kitchen – everything’s that I need is there, why haul things out to the dry bar in the living room?

And it’s easy to grab a drink when I’m cooking.

Today I wanted something different, something refreshing, so I called on Tim Wilz, the bartender at Soco in Thornton Park, to see what he could come up with.

He made a delicious Blue Rebel, and he shares the recipe below. Click here to watch the video then give the recipe below a try.

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Blue Rebel from Soco

3 mint leaves muddled
1/3 dropper burlesque bitters
1/4 ounce green chartreuse
1 ounce house-made blueberry shrub (see recipe below)
2 ounces Rebel Yell single barrel wheated bourbon

Place all ingredients in a shaker filled with ice. Shake for 10 seconds and strain into an iced old fashioned glass. Top with blueberries, lemon twist and mint bouquet.

Blueberry Shrub

Place 4 cups of fresh or frozen blueberries in a sealed glass container with 2 cups of champagne vinegar.

Let sit refrigerated for 48 hours.

Strain liquid through cheesecloth and strainer, mashing the berries to get all the juices.

Add 1.5 cups of granulated sugar to the liquid and bring to a boil over medium high heat. Stir and reduce to simmer on low heat for 5 min. Remove and let cool at room temperature.

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