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Smoked Brisket, Asiago and Jalapeno Pizza, 4 Rivers Smokehouse

Written By Scott Joseph On March 23, 2010

Smoked Brisket, Asiago and Jalapeno Pizza

1- light grill and bring to a medium low heat
2- roll fresh pizza dough to desired size and thickness
3- spray grill with non-stick spray such as Pam
4- lightly brush one side of pizza dough with vegetable oil and place on grill, oil side down
5- grill for 5-7 minutes with lid open until bottom of dough is browned and crusty
6- move the partially cooked dough to a cool working area,
7- lightly brush the top with oil flip over so the cooked side is facing up
8- leaving a circle around the outer edge of the dough uncovered, layer the following ingredients on the cooked top of the pizza:
– 4R BBQ Sauce
– Cheddar Mexican-Mix shredded cheese     
– thinly sliced 4R Signature Smoked Brisket (warmed slightly)
– caramelized sweet Vidalia onion
– shredded Asiago cheese
– tomato slices, thinly sliced
– diced jalapeno’s
– top lightly with Parmesan
9- carefully return the pizza to the grill and grill 5-7 minutes on low with lid closed until bottom is crispy and cheese has melted
10- remove pizza from grill and allow to cool for 1-2 minutes
11- top lightly with Parmesan and enjoy!

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