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Divas of Dish Pucker Up to Kiss February Goodbye with Simple Lemon Curd

Written By Pam Brandon and Anne-Marie Denicole On February 24, 2014

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Pucker up, it’s Valentine’s Month. For the divas, February is a month for romance – not just one day, but all 28. 

And while we shared a hot chocolate with tequila for Valentine’s Day, this sweet ending hits the other end of the dessert spectrum with tart Florida lemons to wow your love’s taste buds (and cause a little pucker).    

This recipe comes from “Field to Feast, Recipes Celebrating Florida’s Farmers, Chefs, and Artisans,” shared by Central Florida farmer Dale Volkert from Lake Meadow Naturals. His farm-fresh eggs are the base for this simple lemon curd. You can add more sugar if you prefer a sweeter taste, but we like the tang. Use any leftover lemon curd the next day on your morning toast.

Simple Lemon Curd

Serves 4 to 6

  • 5 cage-free egg yolks
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 4 Florida lemons, zested and juiced (you should have about 1/3 cup juice)
  • 1 stick butter, cut in pieces and chilled
  • Freshly whipped cream, for serving
  • Seasonal fresh berries, for serving


  1. Fill a medium saucepan with a few inches of water and place over medium-high heat. 
  2. Combine egg yolks and sugar in a heat-proof bowl that’s slightly bigger than the saucepan. Place bowl atop saucepan. Whisk yolks 1 minute, then add lemon zest and juice. Whisk 6 to 8 minutes, or until mixture thickens.
  3. Remove from heat, and add butter 1 piece at a time, stirring until fully melted before adding the next piece. Cool.
  4. Serve lemon curd topped with whipped cream and fresh berries.

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