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Savory Breakfast Oatmeal from the Divas of Dish

Written By Pam Brandon and Anne-Marie Denicole On March 5, 2013

We grew up eating oatmeal with a giant spoonful of brown sugar and a pile of fresh berries, topped off with a splash of milk.  But some mornings, the divas feel like a savory start to the day – and why not keep heart-healthy oatmeal at the bottom of the bowl?

Divas Oatmeal Instead of sugar and berries, our favorite combo is a crispy shitake mushrooms, onions and garlic with a drizzle of sesame oil and a splash of soy sauce.  With a handful of chopped arugula and dash of hot pepper flakes, we’re set. But this is one you can make your own: bacon, diced tomatoes or a poached or fried egg, whatever suits you fancy.  Cook up a batch of oatmeal and keep in the fridge, then thin with a little warm chicken or veggie broth to create a satisfying meal that helps keep the dreaded cholesterol in check. 

We love hearty, steel-cut oatmeal, though it takes a tad longer to cook.  But if your preference is instant oatmeal and you’re out the door, that works too. This is one of those recipes you simply can’t mess up. 

Savory Breakfast Oatmeal   

Serves 1

1 small clove garlic, finely chopped

3 green onions, chopped

1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

1 cup thinly sliced shitake mushrooms 

1 cup hot cooked oatmeal

Soy sauce, to taste

Sesame oil, to taste

Red pepper flakes, to taste

Freshly chopped arugula, to taste 

Sauté garlic and onions in olive oil for 2 to 3 minutes over medium heat in a small frying pan. Stir in mushrooms and cook until crisp, about 5 to 7 minutes. 

Top oatmeal with garlic-mushroom mixture. Add soy sauce, sesame oil, dash of red pepper flakes and a handful of freshly chopped arugula.  Serve hot.  {jcomments on}

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