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Shrimp ‘n Mango Summer Salad

Written By Pam Brandon and Anne-Marie Denicole On July 6, 2011

Shrimp_and_mango_saladRaise your hand if you prefer to stay out of the kitchen – for the entire month of July, if possible. This quick, light dish takes minimum effort for maximum crunch and sweet, spicy flavor. Grill the shrimp outdoors or on your stovetop, whatever is easiest.

Buy wild American shrimp when you can find it, sweeter and more tender than the imported, farm-raised kind (and without the chemicals). And it’s packed with protein and cardio-protective omega-3s.   Grill the shrimp quickly to preserve the flavor, just a couple of minutes each side until pink, firm and slightly opaque.

Stash this one-dish wonder in the fridge, it’s delish for a couple of days (if it lasts that long).


Shrimp ‘n Mango Summer Salad

Serves 4

1 pound Wild American shrimp, grilled and chopped
3 large mangoes, peeled and cut into 1/2-inch chunks
1/2 small red onion, thinly sliced
3 tablespoons chopped cilantro
1 small cucumber, seeds removed and diced 
1/2 jalapeño, seeded and chopped
Juice of 2 large limes
1/4 cup olive oil
Salt, to taste

Combine all ingredients and refrigerate for 30 minutes.


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