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Compliments of the Chef: Salmon Pastrami from Urban Tide

Written By Scott Joseph On October 16, 2017

Urban Tide Salmon Pastrami BLT

Chef Jared Gross of Urban Tide at the Hyatt Regency Orlando demonstrates how to prepare the Salmon Pastrami that he features at that terrific seafood restaurant. The recipe is below, so take a look at the video then gather the ingredients and give it whirl.

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Urban Tide Salmon Pastrami
Curing Mix
-2 ½ lbs. Kosher Salt
-1 ea. Bunch Cilantro
-1 ea. Bunch Italian Parsley
Method: Blend all ingredients in food processor, will be a bright green color

Pastrami Spices
-8 ea. Dried Bay Leaves
-1 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
-1/2 cup Toasted Coriander
-4 tablespoons Toasted Mustard Seeds
-1/2 cup Paprika
-1/2 cup Black Pepper
Method: Lightly pulse in spice grinder

Molasses Rub
-1/4 cup Molasses
-2 tablespoons soy sauce
-1/2 teaspoon liquid smoke
Method: Combine and heat all ingredients in a pot and heat to marry all ingredients and then cool to room temperature

Salmon Pastrami Recipe
-Use one whole side of your favorite Salmon or Arctic Char with skin-on and de-boned and place on a sheet pan skin side down. Pack the curing mix over the flesh of the salmon until all is covered. Wrap with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for 20 to 24 hours.
-Remove Salmon and rinse under cool water to remove all the curing mix.
-Brush the molasses rub over the flesh of the salmon and cover with the pastrami spices
-Put Salmon in refrigerator for 1 hour to allow the pastrami spice to stick to the flesh
-Remove and cut Salmon to your liking as this can be used many different ways in many recipes

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