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Local Flavor: Dharma Southern Kitchen’s fried green tomatoes

Written By Scott Joseph On January 11, 2023

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Local Flavor is a collaboration with The Community Paper.

Dharma Southern Kitchen is a vegan restaurant in the Milk District’s Market on South that opened in 2015. Chef/Owner Shaun Noonan shares his recipe for Fried Green Tomatoes, which uses a cornstarch slurry in place of the usual egg wash.

Noonan says there are two keys to this dish: finding truly green tomatoes and slicing them no thinner than 1/2 inch. Otherwise, he says, you’ll end up with mush.

The finished tomatoes may be used in a sandwich, as shown in the photo, or eaten with a knife and fork as an appetizer.

Click here to see the full recipe at YourCommunityPaper.com.

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