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Bruno Vrignon’s Sea Bass with Salmon Mousse

Written By Scott Joseph On September 18, 2009

Here’s the recipe for chef Bruno Vrignon’s Sea Bass with Salmon Mousse, which was demonstrated on the ScottJosephOrlando.com Cooking Stage today.




2 Sea Bass Filets 1 lb. each

Salmon Mousse

2 Puff Pastry Sheets                                                                       

2 Egg Yolks for glaze           

Tomato Béarnaise Sauce

Roasted Tomatoes

Sautéed Spinach


Salmon Mousse                                                                                    

8 oz. Salmon           

1 Egg White

2 cups of Heavy Cream                                               



Salt and Pepper


1.     In a processor, grind the salmon with the egg white and slowly add the cream, mixing together.

2.     Add the spices and herbs to taste.




1.     Roll out two sheets of puff pastry, the length of the filets.

2.     Place one filet on top of one of the pastry sheets.

3.     Spread the salmon mousse on the filet, using all of the mouse then lay the second filet on top.

4.     Place the second pastry sheet on top of filet.

5.     Seal dough by pressing all around the fish to enclose it completely.

6.     Cut off excess dough, leaving enough to simulate the fins and with the excess, simulate the gills.

7.     Glaze the dough with the egg yolk.

8.     Place on a cookie sheet in a 425° oven.

9.     When the dough is firm, approximately 30 minutes, reduce the heat to 350° so it cooks evenly. It will take 30 minutes to finish after reducing the temperature.






1.     Slice sea bass into 4 pieces.

2.     Place one slice on each plate.

3.     Pour approximately ½ cup sauce over the fish slice.

4.     Portion out the spinach for four servings.

5.     Place one serving each on the plates.

6.     Put 2 of the tomato slices on each plate.



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