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Compliments of the Chef: Thirty Vegetable Soup from Circo

Written By Scott Joseph On March 27, 2017

30 veg cup

Circo, the Italian restaurant from legendary New York restaurateur Sirio Maccioni, who also owns Le Cirque, is coming to Orlando later this year. I was in New York recently and dined at Circo’s original location on West 55th Street.

The food is solidly good, and it will be nice to have another upscale Italian restaurant in the area, especially one with a pedigree such as this one.

One of the restaurant’s signature items is its Thirty Vegetable Soup, one that it popular with regulars for good reason. True to its name, the soup indeed includes 30 distinct vegetables (we’ll not argue the classification of tomatoes here).

I managed to snag a photo of the recipe. (Don’t tell anyone where you got it.) If you’re feeling ambitious, give it a try.

South Steel SJO March AD copy

Thirty Veg Soup

30 veg instructions

Note: Circo Orlando is a client of Scott Joseph Company’s consulting services.

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