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Gordan Ramsay: Fire-starter?

Written By Administrator On November 12, 2008

This story from Scotland’s Daily Record reports that amateur cooks attempting to emulate chefs on the telly are wreaking havoc across the British Isles. The worst of the lot, the report says, is Gordon Ramsay, he of the fiery temper. The problem is that, in the interest of showmanship, many of the chefs show off techniques Gordan Ramsay that are best suited for people who know what they’re doing, and for professional kitchens, i.e. ones equipped with halon automatic fire extinguishing systems. Those just aren’t included in your basic GE range hood-exhaust. So people try to flambe their steak Diane and end up melting the over-the-stove microwave.

It’s something to keep in mind while you’re watching the premiere of Top Chef on Bravo tonight.

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