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Rosen Shingle Creek Awarded a Total of 12 Diamonds

Written By Administrator On November 11, 2008

Rosen The American Automobile Association (AAA) has awarded Rosen Shingle Creek its Four Diamond Award. Not only that, it’s also bejeweled the resort’s two top restaurants, A Land Remembered and Cala Bella (shown here), with four diamonds each. The place now has more diamonds that Elizabeth Taylor.

Four diamonds is the second highest rating for hotels and resorts. It means the resort is “upscale in all areas,” with,“accommodations (that) are refined and stylish (and) the physical attributes reflect enhanced quality throughout. The fundamental hallmarks at this level include an extensive array of amenities combined with a high degree of hospitality, service, and attention to detail,” according to the AAA standards.
I had hoped to dine in A Land Remembered a couple of weeks ago but the restaurant was closed. (They do that when the occupancy of the hotel is down, I was told. Someone at the hotel said they sometimes refer to it as A Land Forgotten.) I had to settle for Cala Bella. I’ll be telling you about it here, after my review runs in Orlando Style magazine next month. Kudos to the crew at Rosen Shingle Creek for the Triple A, Triple 4D distinction.

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