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Written By Scott Joseph On October 24, 2018

Benoit foie gras

Paris is loaded with Alain Ducasse restaurants, but Benoit is one of the best.

It’s an elegant little jewel box in the fourth arrondisement with a picture-perfect decor.

Food is first rate. The Foie Gras de Canard Confit was a dense disk of richness.

Benoit cassoulet

My Cassoulet Maison had big chunks of meat and sausage and a pile of white beans.

Benoit gourmand

My companion’s Saute Gourmand, served in a pot, had veal sweetbreads and chicken livers in a truffled jus.

Service was proper and prompt.

It’s a splurge, but it’s worth it.

Benoit’s website.

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