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Le Bon Georges

Written By Scott Joseph On October 24, 2018

Bon Georges interior

I had a feeling that things weren’t going to go well when my companion and I told our waiter we’d like to start with a cocktail.

We don’t do cocktails here, he told us, only wine. He then handed us a menu that had a list of cocktails on the first page.

bon george grouse

Things went downhill from there. The house pate was delicious, but my main dish of veal was dry and sauceless. My friend’s grouse was undercooked.

The owner, Benoit, was charming and seemed genuinely disappointed that the waiter hadn’t checked back with us so that the food could have been corrected. He removed the charge of the veal from the check.

The setting is quaint and so very Parisian, it might be worth giving it another try.

Details on the website.

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