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Visit Orlando Offers New Program to Send Conventioneers to Restaurants

Written By Scott Joseph On January 9, 2013

Visit Orlando’s Destination Meeting Services department is offering a new program that it hopes will encourage conventioneers to dine at more local restaurants. It’s called the “Show Your Badge and Save” program, which is pretty much the whole description.

Basically, restaurants agree to offer a discount to conventioneers who flash their badge when dining. The discount is up to the restaurant — 10 percent off the total bill, a free appetizer with entree or something like that. A list of participating restaurants will be provided to meeting planners to include in convention materials.

The program is free to all area restaurants who are also members of Visit Orlando (something I recommend to all area restaurants). Those who wish to participate can fill out this form and fax it to Visit Orlando. Restaurants may join the program at any time but must agree to remain on it for at least six months. 

Seems like a good way to attract more visitors to our better restaurants, but I’m guessing the farther a restaurant is from the convention corridor the better the discount will need to be to lure the attendees.

What do you think? If you’re a restaurant owner, will you participate? And if you were attending a convention, would you “show your badge” to save?

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