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Y’s Eaters Can Grab Fresh Produce After Workout

Written By Scott Joseph On October 26, 2012

YMCA market

Isn’t this a great idea? On some nights, the Downtown YMCA invites Eat More Produce, a fresh market in Winter Park, to set up a makeshift farmer’s market in the lobby. They haul in boxes of fresh vegetables and fruits, selling by the item or by the pound. It makes so much sense to promote a more healthful diet to a customer base that is obviously trying to be more healthy. Judging from the number of Y members I see at the nearby Publix whenever I stop in there after my workout, this setup will save some people an extra trip to the store. Wednesdays seem to the the scheduled day of the week for the pop-up market, but I’ve seen it on other days, as well. {jcomments on}

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