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Apple-Iced Green Tea from the Divas of Dish

Written By Pam Brandon and Anne-Marie Denicole On July 6, 2015

Divas apple iced tea

Everyone needs a little pick-me-up, especially during the dog days of summer. The divas love this cool, refreshing sip that’s full of antioxidants and gives us energy.

Green tea also fights bacteria for a healthy mouth and sweet breath, and if that’s not reason enough to sample this deliciously healthy brew, we’ve been told that L-thiamine, an amino acid found in green tea, works with caffeine to improve overall brain function well into the golden years. So, take a break and sip a spell, where the only sweat will be on an ice-cold glass.

Apple-Iced Green Tea
Make 4 servings

Fresh mint, to taste
4 cups boiling water
4 green tea bags
2 cups chilled, low-sugar apple juice
Splash of sparkling water or club soda, optional

In the bottom of a large heat-resistant glass container or pitcher, slightly crush the mint with a pestle. Add tea bags and pour in boiling water; steep for 5 minutes. Discard tea bags and add chilled juice, stirring to combine. Chill before serving. Pour over ice and garnish with apple slices.

Diva Confession: Serve this cool concoction in a swanky martini glass with a splash or two of apple vodka. Or make it Southwestern: steep thinly sliced jalapeños in the apple juice for 1 hour. Combine with green tea and tequila to taste. Garnish with fresh mint.

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