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Animal Kingdom Offering Foods Usually Ordered “on a Shingle”

Written By Scott Joseph On June 24, 2015

Time for a little potty humor.

As Dewayne Bevil at the Orlando Sentinel reported, Disney’s Animal Kingdom has started serving unusual desserts at one of its newest eateries. They are meant to resemble the droppings of an elephant, a giraffe, a rhino (not the politician), and a cotton-top tamarin, which is a type of monkey.

According to the report, the dung is disturbingly authentic in the way it looks, if not in the way it tastes, although so far no one has come forward with a taste comparison. I know, I know, we’ve all been served desserts that taste like crap, but this is different.

I think the culinears might be missing something by just sticking to the four that they’re presenting. There are all sorts of possibilities. Did no one suggest a poopcicle? A flaky millefece? Caca Cake? An Oopsie Pie? Sugar-free Shiitake? I’m sure they could do something with Floating Islands.

And why not get Orlando Brewing to come up with a special beer called the Ty-d-Bowl to wash it all down?

And I also think they made a mistake going with the tamarin. A better primate would have been a baboon, and then they could have had actual baboons behind the counter flinging the desserts at the customers. Now there’s an authentic experience.

What do you think: Would you order desserts that look like excrement? Tell me in the comments, and leave your suggestion for a dessert name.

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