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California Burrito Express Closed

Written By Scott Joseph On January 9, 2015

California Burrito Express

California Burrito Express, the 24-hour restaurant on East Colonial Drive across from Fashion Square Mall, has closed. Although it always had a certain dinge in its appearance, its food had many fans. As one commenter on UrbanSpoon put it: “Best Mexican food I’ve ever had in Florida. The menu looks like it’s straight out of San Diego!!”

According to the CBE website, the restaurant opened in 2007, though I don’t recall it being in that location before I reviewed it in 2010.

I reached out to the owner for more details and to find out if there are plans to relocate, but as of Friday afternoon I had not received a reply. Sorry, downtown drinkers heading to the east side of town — you’ll have to find somewhere else open late to satisfy your cravings.

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