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Bad As’s Sandwich

Written By Scott Joseph On June 8, 2017

Bad Ass soup and sandwich

Had I been asked, I might have counseled for a different name.

Not that I’m a prude; anything but. However, there’s something slightly intimidating about walking up to someone at a food counter and saying, “I’ll have the Bad As’s sandwich.” Besides using a word that many people find slightly offensive, the spelling, which includes that odd apostrophe, makes one wonder just how it should be pronounced.

Then there’s the issue of the logo with a demonic looking figure about to bite into a sandwich with a disturbing set of teeth.

With all that going against it, a restaurant had damn well better have a good product.

South Steel SJO March AD copy

And Bad As’s Sandwich does.

Bad ass Sand

At least if the one called the Bad As’s is like all the others. It featured juicy shreds of beef, pork and chicken with a bit of cheese on a fresh tasting roll that had been slathered with swath of roasted garlic aioli. Shredded lettuce, crispy onions and thick slices of tomatoes added flavor and texture.

I ordered the sandwich with the soup of the day, which was a creamy tomato basil, drizzled with a bit of oil and served with croutons that appeared to have been made in house.

Badd Ass logoB.A. is a nonwheeled business that started as a food truck. It took over the space on Primrose Drive that Se7en Bites vacated when it moved up the road. Before Se7en, the building had held a sandwich shop, Sandwich King, if I remember correctly, so it’s returning to its best use, perhaps.

I can’t say the staff was very welcoming, but the ordering process went smoothly and the food appeared promptly.

Yes, the logo for the restaurant is disturbing, and the name of the place is odd. But I have to admit it: that was one bad ass sandwich.

Bad As’s Sandwich is at 207 N. Primrose Drive, Orlando. It is open for lunch and dinner Monday through Saturday, though it closes at 5 p.m. on weekdays. The phone number is 407-757-7191.

Bad Ass interior

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