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Lots of Fun Events This Weekend for Foodies (Drinkies, Too)

Written By Scott Joseph On December 2, 2016

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Lots going on this weekend, especially if you like food, drinks and fun stuff.

I already told you about Sake & Shine, the progressive dinner that celebrity chefs Masaharu Morimoto and Art Smith are doing at their Disney Springs restaurants Saturday. Morimoto figured that as long as he was in town he might as well host an omakase dinner at his Morimoto Asia. Momokase will be tonight (Dec. 2) at Mormimoto Asia. Only 12 seats at $250 per person, all prepared by Morimoto himself. (I’m told he tends to go a bit overboard when he hosts an omokase, so prepare yourself.) If you missed it before, read about my experience with the omakase at Morimoto Asia. Call 407-842-7123 and speak with Molly with Morimoto Asia to reserve your seat.

On Saturday, DoveCote is having a farm to table dinner. Wait, change that. It’s a Table to Farm dinner.

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Guests will board a bus at the downtown restaurant at 2:30 p.m. for a ride to Clear Creek Farm in Ocala for a late harvest dinner, then return to Orlando by 9:30 p.m. Tickets are $225 per person. Free parking is available at the Bank of America garage, but if I were you I’d Uber or Lyft it there and back home — let someone else do the driving all the way. Click here for ticket info. DoveCote is at 390 N. Orange Ave., Orlando.

On Sunday it’s K Restaurant Wine Bar’s annual Oyster Roast, always a good time unless you happen to be a bivalve. Chef Kevin Fonzo will begin roasting at 2:30 p.m. and will keep things going until 5. For this one, you only have to shell out 30 clams. Includes complimentary punch, a bowl of oyster chowder, roast oysters with all the sides and fixins’, and one of pastry chef Michelle’s desserts. Music by John Frank. Call K at 407-872-2332 for reservations. K is at 1710 Edgewater Drive, Orlando.

Then to get the next week started, Soco is hosting a Bourbon Barrel Release Party, Monday, Dec. 5., at 6:30 p.m. Featuring its exclusive bourbon, all in celebration of the repeal of Prohibition, a dark period in our nation’s history that we somehow managed to live through. Soco is at 629 E. Central Blvd., Orlando. socothorntonpark.com for details.

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