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Chefs to Offer Taste of Pride

Written By Scott Joseph On September 26, 2016

taste of pride

The 12th Annual Come Out with Pride Festival will have a new culinary experience. A Taste of Pride will feature local and nationally known chefs offering signature dishes paired with wine, cocktails and beers.

Scheduled to participate are: Art Smith, Cat Cora, Kathleen Blake, Shannon Collins, Clay Miller, Melissa Kelly, Ranada West-Riley, Elizabeth Falkner, Heather Carlucci, Celina Tio, Brooke Williamson, Rhys and Lexi Gawlek, Anita Lo, Kevin Fonzo, Liana Robberecht, Trina Gregory-Propst and Antonia Lofaso.

The walkabout tasting will be in a cordoned off area at the southwestern edge of Lake Eola, from 6 to 9 p.m. Organizers promise a good vantage position for attendees to watch the fireworks that top off the day-long event.

Tickets for Taste of Pride are $150 and can be purchased at the Come Out With Pride website.



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