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Troubled Downtown Restaurant to Remain Closed Through August

Written By Scott Joseph On August 1, 2016

Maddeys interiorMaddey’s Craft & Cru, a newly opened restaurant at Church Street Station in downtown Orlando, will keep its doors closed through the month of August, reopening sometime in September, according to chef and owner Jason Schofield. The restaurant was closed for several days over a weekend in late July but was poised to reopen last week. It’s unclear whether it had or not.

As detailed in an article last week, Schofield acknowledged that he was experiencing some difficultied, including the inability to meet payroll, which he attributed to a dispute with a contractor that unexpectedly depleted his bank account. 

At that time, Schofield said, “I didn’t come this far to just fail or quit,” he said in a message. “I believe in my concept and staff. We just have to sort out these speed bumps.”

Closing a restaurant for a month is a drastic step to take, although it isn’t unusual for some businesses — those in Paris, famously — to shut down during August. In Central Florida, August is one of the slowest months of the year for restaurants. But it’s one thing to plan to be closed so that your staff can be prepared and schedule their own time off and another thing to be caught off guard.

More details later in the month.

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