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DoveCote Now Open

Written By Scott Joseph On July 20, 2016

Dovecote logoDoveCote, the collaborative project of four local luminaries of the food and beverage scene, is now open. The restaurant occupies the space in the Bank of America building that most recently was Terrace 390 but more fondly remembered as the home of Harvey’s Bistro.

DoveCote, which was first announced last August, is a project involving James and Julie Petrakis (Ravenous Pig, Cask & Larder), Gene Zimmerman (The Courtesy) and Clayton Miller, who was the opening chef at Norman’s at the Ritz-Carlton and more recently was with Miami’s 50 Eggs, Inc., owner of Yardbird.

Miller is listed as DoveCote’s chef and he co-owns the restaurant with Zimmerman; the Petrakises are investors and advisers in the business.

DoveCote’s menu will be familiar to anyone who has visited Balthazar, the popular French brasserie in New York and London. It is open for lunch Monday through Friday and dinner Monday through Saturday. It is also offering coffee and pastries on weekday mornings beginning at 7 for downtown workers as long as the pastries hold out.

As befitting a brasserie, beer will have a special place on the beverage menu, which was curated by Zimmerman. Larry Foor, the brewmaster for Cask & Larder, has created a custom crafted brew, DoveCote Saison, for the opening.

Dovecote is a French word for a game-bird shelter.

The restaurant’s website had no operational links Wednesday morning. Here is the lunch menu:

DoveCote Menu Lunch

and here is the dinner menu.

DoveCote Menu Dinner

Watch for a review soon.

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