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Petrakises Planning Restaurant in Disney Springs

Written By Scott Joseph On July 15, 2016

Contrary to what you may have assumed from recent news about the Ravenous Pig (owners James and Julie Petrakis announced recently that they would be consolidating that restaurant with the space now occupied by their Cask & Larder), the brand apparently is doing just fine.

To that point, the Petrakises, in conjunction with Walt Disney World Resort, announced today that they would open another porcine themed restaurant at Disney Springs. The Polite Pig is slated for a spring 2017 opening.

James Petrakis is bringing his brother Brian, who started the Greens & Grille salad concept, to be the chef at the new restaurant.

“As a locally-based restaurant group, it’s great to bring our new concept to Disney Springs where we’ll have the opportunity to showcase genuine Florida cuisine for guests from around the world,” James Petrakis said in a statement. “With so many talented chefs opening new restaurants at Disney Springs, we’re really excited to be part of a group helping Orlando distinguish itself as a world-class culinary destination.”

The menu will feature wood-fired smoked and grilled items, and the bar will serve beers brewed at Winter Park’s Cask & Larder.

The 5000 square foot facility will have seating for 200 guests.

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