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3d Annual Dining in the Dark is July 27

Written By Scott Joseph On July 14, 2016

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Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida and Lighthouse Central Florida will offer their third annual Dining in the Dark event, Wednesday, July 27, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Second Harvest headquarters.

Diners will will be treated to cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, and a three-course dinner, all in total darkness. The event simulates vision loss and impairment, which affect more than 80,000 people in Central Florida.

Because someone has to see what’s going on, the Orlando Police Department SWAT team will serve the dinner wearing night-vision goggles.

Tickets are $125 per person and can be purchased at DiningInTheDarkOrlando.com. Proceeds from the dinner will help support programs involving both hunger and vision rehabilitation services in the area.

Vision loss and hunger are serious issues, but you won’t be chided for having a good time while learning what it’s like to rely only on your other senses when eating. And I would sure look forward to giving the OPD SWAT waiters a nice tip. Just sayin’.

Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida is at 411 Mercy Drive, Orlando.

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