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Food & Wine Unite Showcases Area’s Best

Written By Scott Joseph On July 11, 2016

FandWU exterior

Once again the culinary community came together, this time in a fundraiser for The Center Orlando at East End Market. Spearheaded by chefs Kevin Fonzo of K and Jamie McFadden of Cuisiniers Catering, the Sunday evening event included some delicious food, wine and cocktails, all of it — as well as the time and energy of all of the staff involved — donated.

Their efforts raised $15,169.40 for the Center, which was at the epicenter of the response in the days and weeks following the Pulse massacre. Not sure who gave the 40 cents — it was a “donate what you want” entry fee — but all monies were appreciated.


Check out the video above from Dan Beckmann for some of the sights and sounds of the evening. I’ve got a few photos below for you, too.

FandWU Hawker

People were all atwitter about the lettuce wraps from Hawkers.

FandWU Bison

They liked the pulled pork from Smiling Bison, too.

FandWU Keating

It was nice to see Tim Keating, who was working with folks from Wild Ocean Market as well as some of his former coworkers from Flying Fish. They were all dressed as cowboys, for some reason. Heck, as long as they’re handing out delicious seafood tacos as they were Sunday, I don’t care how they dress.

FandWU Blake

Kathleen Blake of Rusty Spoon had wonderful deviled eggs and an eggplant salad that was one of the best things I tasted all night. (I’m serious, Kathleen, I want that recipe.)

FandWU Gawlak

Swine & Sons’ Rhys Gawlak had house-made brats.

Bob Getchell and his staff from the Boathouse in Disney Springs were turning out some amazing barbecue from a very impressive mobile smoker.

I’m missing some folks and they all deserve to be recognized. If you see an omission, please leave a comment below with a proper shout out.

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