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FRLA Organizing Statewide Dine Out for Orlando United

Written By Scott Joseph On June 17, 2016


The Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association is organizing a statewide “Dine Out for Orlando United” event to benefit the OneOrlando Fund. The association is calling on members of the hospitality industry to participate on Thursday, June 30, by donating a portion of sales to the fund, which will aid victims of the massacre and their families.

“Our hearts and prayers are with the victims and their families,” said Carol Dover, president and CEO of the FRLA. “As an industry, we want to continue to rally around them by offering our support, time and resources. Pulse is a member of the FRLA, a part of our hospitality family and we are proud to lend support. We encourage all Floridians, visitors and those around the country to participate in this Dine Out to help the entire Orlando community.”

There are no rules for the participation, and funds may be raised in a number of ways. Some suggestions include:

• Donate a portion of total sales
• Collect donations received from guests and staff
• Donate a portion of total profits
• Make a donation for every sale of a specific item
• Identify a set donation amount

Restaurants are encouraged to promote their participation in Dine Out for Orlando, and guests are encouraged to seek out those restaurant for their June 30 dining options.

This is all just coming together, but I wanted to let both restaurateurs and the dining public know about it. You can find more details at the website.

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