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Epcot Food & Wine Festival Adds 9 Days for 21st Edition

Written By Scott Joseph On May 13, 2016

EIFWF ClinkPhoto Walt Disney World

Epcot is slowly closing the gap between the International Flower & Garden Festival, which is continuing through May 30, and the International Food & Wine Festival. The latter, which is celebrating its 21st year and is finally old enough to sample some of its own beverages, is adding nine days the the calendar. It will run a full 62 days this year, up from 53 in 2015, from Sept. 14 through Nov. 14

This year, the festival will feature a variety of hands-on workshops called Mix It, Make It, Celebrate It in the Festival Center.

Cat Cora, whose BoardWalk restaurant closed a couple of years ago, will return with a celebrity chef demonstration, as will Norman Van Aken, Masaharu Morimoto, Elizabeth Falkner, Buddy Valastro and Jamie Deen.

Party for the Senses will be back, of course, and so will Rockin’ Burger Block Party, which debuted last year. Also new this year, a Grand Floridian brunch “with a twist,” and a new cooking school experience.

And something that will be exciting to a select few: a new vegan option at the Greece marketplace.

Expect more details soon.

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