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Raw Restaurant: Thousands Sign on for Chance to Dine in the Nude

Written By Scott Joseph On May 3, 2016

This gives a whole new meaning to strip steak.

Bunyadi, a London pop-up restaurant scheduled to debut this summer, is billed as the United Kingdom’s first naked food experience. Apparently standing in your kitchen at 2 a.m. while you wolf down leftovers doesn’t count. More than 32,000 people are reported to have signed up for a chance to dine au naturale, although the restaurant can seat only 42 people at a time. 

Diners will be required to check their smartphones with their clothing, so don’t expect any selfies. Staff members will be semi-nude, according to this story from CNN.

I’ll be in London this summer but probably won’t be able to give a first-hand account of the pop-up restaurant.

And aren’t you proud of me for not making a crack about the term pop-up?

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