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Oblivion Taproom Closing

Written By Scott Joseph On January 24, 2016

Oblivion logoI suppose it would be too glib to say that the name of the place was a predictor, but Oblivion Taproom, the self-described “bad-ass bar & grill” that was dedicated to craft beers on tap, will close Sunday, January 31 according to a note posted on the business’s Facebook page on Saturday. No reason for the closing was given.

Owner Missy Jahn was not immediately available for comment.

Oblivion opened in 2011 in the former Straub’s Fine Seafood building on East Colonial Drive in Orlando. It was well received and reviewed and was particularly known for its burgers. In 2013, Oblivion was burglarized twice in just one week.

More information when it is received.

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