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Holdiay Dining in Central Florida

Written By Scott Joseph On December 11, 2015

christmas table

In Central Florida, if you want to dine out on Christmas Day, you pretty much have to suck it up and just get used to the idea that that means going to Tourist World. With all the visitors in town, it’s the hotels and resorts that make the effort to offer holiday dining.

But at least there are choices. A couple of years ago I spent Christmas Day in London and really had to search for someplace to dine on Dec. 25. (I know, boo hoo, what a horrible problem.) The city all but closes down, and those of us without kitchenettes to do our own cooking were made to scramble for the few seats available at a small number of restaurants. An uncharacteristically not nice hotel manager even warned us that we’d better not try to use our mini-bar fridge in the room to store food because it had a special weight sensor and we’d be charged if we damaged it with our own food. (Things turned out nicely for us, though, and we had a lovely meal at the Grazing Goat.)

But my point is, if you live in Greater Orlando and don’t want to cook Christmas dinner, you have plenty of places to choose from, and you don’t have to worry about overloading your mini fridge.

The elves at the Flog have been busy uploading all the listings that have been coming in and you can see the list of Orlando restaurants that will be serving Christmas Day here.

We also have details on those restaurants that are offering special menus on Christmas Eve if you’d prefer to have your big holiday meal that day. (Or maybe in addition to a Xmas Day feast.) There’s even one there that isn’t in Tourist World. Our friends at Tap Room at Dubsdread are having their holiday buffet on Dec. 24 this year. Here’s a look at the menu.

And while we’re at it, you might as well start considering New Year’s Eve. I have listings for restaurants that will be ringing in 2016 with special menus.

And restaurant owners, it’s not too late to add your place to the list if you’re going to be open on any of these days. I’ll have the elves updating all the way up to the big events.

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