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Something Blue Coming to Mills Park?

Written By Scott Joseph On November 27, 2015

segafredo logoSome new blue hues emanating from the recently departed Segafredo’s at Mills Park have some in that area speculating that the owners will reopen as Blue Cafe, which was to have been the original name before it took that of the Italian coffee company’s. (An email address for a manager on Segafredo Orlando’s Facebook page has a domain of bluecafes.com, although there is no active site at that address.)

It probably won’t be coffee-centric but rather a sports bar. I’m guessing that Segafredo’s management often looked at the crowds at the Brass Tap next door and wondered how to get some of that.

Better management might be a good start.

My only first-hand experiences with Segafredo’s managers were during my two visits before writing my review. Many of the issues that contributed to the negative notice can be traced back to poor managerial choices. Other examples that have not been independently verified include the decision to close Segafredo’s with no notice, texting some of the staffers to let them know it was closed and letting others find out when they showed up for work that day. Classy. If true, that should be a caution to any potential employees in any new venture that may reopen there.

My sources also tell me that the Segafredo franchise has almost certainly been lost. I know that if I were in charge of an internationally known coffee company whose name had been besmirched, I would do what I could to keep the franchisee from sullying it any further.

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