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Van Aken Makes New Restaurant’s Name Official

Written By Scott Joseph On November 12, 2015

1921 by Norman Van Aken.

That’s the official name of the restaurant planned by the celebrity chef for Mount Dora. The number is the address on the side of the buiding. “The sign was literally written on the wall,” Van Aken said of his decision for the name.

The restaurant, at 1921 E. Fourth St., will open after the first of the year. Van Aken said that he had hoped to open before Christmas but that some things were taking a little more time than he had hoped, including the delivery of needed equipment.

The decor throughout the five or six dining areas will feature artwork from the Modernism Museum, including works by Chihuly and Nakashima. Even a couple of the tables will be museum art pieces, he said. The restaurant will seat 160 guests including patio tables.

As previsouly announced, Camilo Velasco will be chef de cuisine and Scott Geisler, most recently of the Ravenous Pig, is the general manager. Both are alums of Van Aken’s restaurant in Orlando, Norman’s at the Ritz-Carlton.

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