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About Advertisers

Written By Scott Joseph On March 20, 2011


Scott Joseph’s Orlando Restaurant Guide accepts advertising, but advertisers must meet exceptional standards of quality to be eligible to advertise on these pages. Any advertiser who does not maintain those standards will be removed from the pages of SJO, and the remainder of any contract still in place will be revoked.

Restaurants that advertise on SJO are not guaranteed a positive review. All ads must be approved by Scott Joseph.

Readers may assume that the businesses that advertise on this site are worthy of their dining dollars.

Similarly, the restaurants featured as SJO Deals must meet the same exceptional standards of quality. However, it is not necessary for a restaurant to advertise on SJO to be invited to be featured as an SJO Deal.

Businesses that wish to learn more about advertising on this site or how to be featured as an SJO Deal should contact us here or call Nicole Spooner of MPact Orlando Marketing at 407-951-5100.

We hope you find our reviews and news articles useful and entertaining. It has always been our goal to assist you in making informed decisions when spending your dining dollars. If we’ve helped you in any way, please consider making a contribution to help us continue our journalism. Thank you.

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