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Asian Apple Slaw Adds Flavor and Crunch To Your Diet

Written By Pam Brandon and Anne-Marie Denicole On January 13, 2010

That sound you hear is the crunching of diet-crazed America, at full tilt this month after mindless holiday grazing. We are diving in to fruits and veggies with all the gusto we can muster, amping up flavors with little or no fat.asian_slaw

There’s something so satisfying about the sweet-salty flavors of Asian cuisine – and this crispy slaw does it without an ounce of fat.  Skinny slices of jicama beautifully absorb the flavors of the dressing – and pack a punch of Vitamin C. Tart Granny Smith apples and crunchy cabbage add to the harmony.

Top with warm grilled shrimp for a meal in a bowl and the diet survives another day.


Asian Apple Slaw


Serves 2 as an entrée, 4 as a salad


1/4 cup rice vinegar

1/4 cup lime juice

1 tablespoon fish sauce

1 tablespoon sugar

1 cups jicama, julienned

1 cups Granny Smith apples, skin on, julienne

1 cups cabbage, thinly shredded

Coarse salt, to taste


In a large bowl, whisk together the vinegar, lime juice, fish sauce and sugar. Stir in the jicama, apples and cabbage. Add salt to taste. Refrigerate at least 2 hours to meld flavors.

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