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Next Pop-Up Restaurant Will Feature Chefs of East End Market

Written By Scott Joseph On January 22, 2013

Are you ready for the next SJO Pop-Up Restaurant experience? We had great fun at the first one, which was held in the fish processing room of Gary’s Seafood in downtown Orlando. The next one is going to be a lot of fun, too.

I think just about everyone who likes good food and restaurants is excited about the new East End Market. EEM will bring several chefs and food purveyors under one roof to Corrine Drive in Orlando. You can read more details about East End Market here. The development, however, will not open until at least April — that’s the projection for now, but you know how the permitting process can drag things out. I don’t know about you, but I’m already tired of waiting.

So I’ve gathered some of the chefs who will have a presence at East End to be a part of the SJO Pop-Up. This will be a unique opportunity to get a preview of one of the most anticipated culinary happenings of 2013. (I’ll parse out some more details about the chefs as we go along, but I can tell you that Henry and Michele Salgado of Spanish River Grill in New Smyrna Beach will be there to preview their new Txokos Kitchen.)

The date of the dinner will be Saturday, March 2. And the location…well, I’ll keep that a secret until the last minute. We can’t do it at East End Market because it’s a construction site. But I can tell you we will be within a two mile radius of there. And it’s a place with a logical location for a pop-up dinner, especially for people who love…no, no more clues.

Tickets for the dinner will go on sale shortly and will be announced in a special newsletter. To ensure that you’re among the first to know about it and to make certain you get a ticket, sign up for my newsletter if you haven’t already. 

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