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You Vote What You Eat? Diet Preferences Reveal Political Leaning

Written By Scott Joseph On May 26, 2011

InfographicWant to know the political leanings of a co-worker, acquaintance or maybe a potential boyfriend or girlfriend but you don’t want to just come out and ask who they voted for in the last election? You don’t have to ask your friends if they’re liberal or conservative, just ask them what their favorite foods are.

This fun infographic printed at Mashable.com, which comes from the decision-making system Hunch.com and created by Column Five Media, lays out the meals, side dishes and beverages that people are likely to prefer based on their political stripe. Liberals, for example, are more likely to prefer a meal of curry chicken with vegetable biryani, orange wedge and a glass of pinot noir, while conservatives would probably order meatloaf with green beans, mashed potatoes and gravy and a can of soda for dinner.

Pasta? Liberals go for the harder to pronounce varieties like gnocchi and fusilli; conservative are happy with spaghetti and linguine. The infographic even parses the preferred jelly on a PB&J: strawberry to the left, grape to the right.

What’s nice is that the list includes common ground, the food or beverage in each category that both sides can agree on. The common ground meal? Hand-tossed garden salad, slice of pepperoni pizza and a glass of water. Maybe congress will consider that before the next round of budget negotiations.

One possible pitfall: liberals prefer thin crust pizzas and conservatives like deep-dish.


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Arthur Mcclure
Arthur Mcclure
12 days ago

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