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Hunnel, Herbitschek Next Up for Chef’s Night Series

Written By Scott Joseph On July 28, 2015

Chefs night hunnel

This has to be a typo.

It says here that Scott Hunnel, the much decorated chef de cuisine at Victoria & Albert’s, and the Grand Floridian’s master pastry chef, Erich Herbitschel, who never saw a piece of chocolate he couldn’t fashion into a work of art, will team up as guest chefs for Second Harvest’s Chef’s Night Series.

That part I believe. The two chefs have always been generous with their time and talent, especially when a good cause is involved. In this case, the cause is Second Harvest’s Culinary Training Program, which teaches students the skills they need to obtain entry level food service positions. Teach a person to fish, and all that. Very worthy program.

And the four-course menu certainly sounds like something the two chefs would put together for a gourmet meal: King Crab Roulade with caviar; pickled peach soup; Gulf Shrimp with Prosciutto and Melon; Poulet Rouge with Mushroom Ragout and Summer Truffles; Grass-fed Beef with Potato-Turnip Gratin and Oxtail Jus; and Peruvian Chocolate Timbale.

But I think the press release left a couple of digits off the cost of the dinner, because it says here it’s only $75 per person. Maybe it was supposed to say “per course.” Or maybe that was just the cost of the truffles.

Whatever. I suggest you go to FeedHopeNow to claim your tickets before someone figures it out.

The dinner is Thursday, August 27, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida, 411 Mercy Drive, Orlando.


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