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Looks Like Summertime Closings Have Begun

Written By Scott Joseph On June 17, 2015

Summers are rough for Central Florida restaurants. With people on vacation or just too hot to go out, traffic numbers fall, and so do many businesses that had merely been surviving up to that point. Let’s just say that in summertime, the livin’ ain’t easy for restaurants.

It would appear that we have a couple of casualties to report: NOPA Grill in Winter Park and Belle Isle Bayou in Orlando.

According to neighbors, the cleverly named NOPA — it stands for Not On Park Avenue — has been sporadically occupied in recent days. “Sometimes they’re there, sometimes they’re not,” I was told. The phone is still connected but there is no answer, live or a recording.

The same is true for Belle Isle Bayou, the Cajun themed restaurant on South Conway Road at Hoffner Road. BIB also had a clever name — Belle Isle is an area of Louisiana, and it’s also the proximal community south of downtown.


H/T Doug Peddie

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