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Ravenous Pig Chef Leaving for Baldwin Park Restaurant

Written By Scott Joseph On May 9, 2015

Joe BurnettJoseph Cournoyer-Burnett, who has been serving as the Ravenous Pig’s chef de cuisine, is leaving the popular Winter Park restaurant to lead the kitchen at Baldwin Park’s new Osprey Tavern. Saturday, June 16, is Cournoyer-Burnett’s last day at the Pig.

Taking over there will be Nick Sierputowski, who has been with owners James and Julie Petrakis for many years and most recently has been chef de cuisine at their Cask & Larder restaurant.

Cournoyer-Burnett (at left) is also a longtime employee of the Petrakises, and Julie told me that she has known Cournoyer-Burnett’s wife since they were in culinary school. She says Cournoyer-Burnett’s leaving is an amicable departure, and everyone is supportive of his move. She acknowledged that he will have more freedom to develop the menu at Osprey Tavern and make it more of his own, something that he couldn’t do as chef de cuisine at the Pig. Previously, he had served as chef de cuisine at Norman’s at the Ritz-Carlton.

Sierputowski has shown himself to be a talented chef and the transition should be seamless.

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