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Indiana Pizza Owner Says “No Pies for Gay Weddings”; Yelp Commenters Pounce

Written By Scott Joseph On April 1, 2015

The owner of a pizzeria in Walkerton, Indiana, is the first restaurant owner to announce that she would refuse to cater a gay wedding after the recent signing of a “religious freedom” bill by that state’s governor. This is surely devastating news for gay couples there, seeing as how pizza is pretty much the go-to gay-wedding reception food.

Not sure what this woman thought she would accomplish. Perhaps she thought the publicity would bring out like-minded supporters who would become new fans of her restaurant and support her on the principle.

Instead, the restaurant’s Yelp listing is being inundated today by comments, almost all of which are negative and damning. (I saw only one comment as I scanned through several pages that supported the owner’s stance.)

Some are actually pretty entertaining:

Yelp 3

Yelp 2

Yelp 1


You can see the ever-growing list of comments at the Yelp lising.

What do you think? Smart move, or the dumbest and possible the last business decision this owner will make? Leave a comment below.



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