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Raglan Road to Hold Cooking Contest with Finals in Ireland

Written By Scott Joseph On March 11, 2015

To commemorate its 10th anniversary this year, Downtown Disney’s Raglan Road is hosting a cooking contest for the title of Raglan Road Master Chef. In this case, Road is a key word because the finalists will take a little road trip to Ireland for the finals.

Kevin Dundon announced the competition at a luncheon Wednesday at the Irish themed restaurant. Amateur cooks are invited to submit a video featuring a three-course menu they think would best commemorate the anniversary. Five finalists will be chosen to fly to Ireland to stay at Dundon’s Dunbrody Country House and Hotel in Southwestern Ireland.

The full details of the contest won’t be announced until Monday on the restaurant’s website, but keep this in mind: Finalists must have a valid passport and be able to travel to Ireland on May 21 from Orlando International Airport, returning on May 26. While at Dunbrody, the finalists will cook with Dundon and visit local fisheries and farms where he sources his ingredients. The winner, however, will not be announced until October at a private 10th anniversary dinner back in Florida at Raglan Road.

Watch for more details soon.


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