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Orlando is a Great Place for Romantics

Written By Scott Joseph On February 6, 2015

The voting has closed in our annual Most Romantic Restaurant poll and the results are in. More than four thousand votes were cast for over 50 restaurants. As I said before: Romantic is as romantic does; what may be someone else’s idea of a lovey-dovey dinner might seem oddly straightforward to you. But I think you might agree with some of the top vote getters.

Leading the pack was Bistro on Park. Obviously, many of the voters like the Hidden Gardens location, perfect for a rendezvous or ssurreptitious tete-a-tete (in which case you might want a table away from the well-windowed atrium).

K restaurant, a perennial favorite, was also big with the voters. I can understand that with the homey atmosphere — the restaurant occupies a former house.

It’s been years since I’ve been to Vito’s Chophouse, so I can’t say why so many were passionate about that Talk of the Town restaurant. I guess it’s time to make a date there and find out.

Here’s a link to all the results.

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