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Rusty Spoon’s Kathleen Blake to Cook at Beard House January 15

Written By Scott Joseph On January 9, 2015

blakeKathleen Blake, chef and owner of downtown’s Rusty Spoon, will join other members of Women Chefs & Restaurateurs to prepare a dinner at the prestigious James Beard House in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village. The dinner will be held Thursday, January 15, at 7 p.m.

Joining Blake will be WCR president Elizabeth Falkner; Susan Feniger and Mary Sue Milliken of Border Grill Resgtaurants, Los Angeles and Las Vegas; Jamie Leeds, Hank’s Oyster Bar, Washington, D.C.; Emily Luchetti, The Cavalier, Marlow, and Park Tavern, San Francisco; Susan Spicer, Bayona and Mondo, New Orleans; Rita Jammet, La Caravelle Champagne, New York; and Anne Rosenweig, a New York consultant.

Follow this link to the James Beard Foundation’s website with details of the menu. You can also purchase tickets there. Cost is $200 per person for JBF members and $250 for general public.

The dinners are held in what was James Beard’s townhouse on West 12th Street in Manhattan. Visiting chefs cook in the small but well equipped kitchen on the lower level and guests dine at tables set up in what was originally Beard’s living room and dining room (and al alcove that was his bedroom).

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